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(همسات الجامعة والطلبه والطالبات) خاص بختبارات الطلبه وشرح كتب الدراسه الجامعيه |
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20-02-2010, 02:30 AM | #8 |
| Chocolate Chocolate in almost the smallest shop in the world, as is known, the source is the cacao tree, but you may not have seen before, cocoa, fruit trees and wonderful, if so here's the information and images from this tree and fruit .. Cacao tree in the foundation of self-growth trees but the rights could qualify and grown from seeds or seedlings, which are oval-shaped serrated leaves and mainly grows in the forests and rich agricultural soil and good, and it is very sensitive to weather, and natural growth of living in the shadow of trees again be the largest of them, to the severe sensitivity to sunlight and that Vzraatha require careful attention |
20-02-2010, 02:39 AM | #10 |
| Peach<<الخوخ Peach one of the two types with the benefits of the delicious fruit dried Kthirpvakhawk Protects against: heart disease, osteoporosis and constipation Peach realize its benefits Eklu alleviate constipation because it contains a high amount of fiber that also protect against heart disease and reduce the amount of cholesterol and prevent the oxidation of LDL. U.S. study revealed that eating 10 to 12 peaches tablets every day may prevent the osteoporosis causes of the decline in the amount of estrogen. Here, pictures of the peach flesh before: In addition, the peach article contains boron, which helps the body absorb calcium to keep bones strong هذا عن الزقاير Smoking,, the slow killer We all wonder of those people who refuse to live happy and healthy life, they choose to live miserable life intentionally! They want to commit slow suicide, you may ask your self whom are they, they are the smokers. As we know that our age is full of experiments and discoveries, these experiments may become one day a bad or fatal habits that lead people to death. Smoking is considered one of those habits. Unfortunately, that most smokers know that this unpleasant habit causes many diseases to them. Perhaps you would care to know that it has an adverse effect on lymph nodes, pituitary glands, nerves centers, heart, blood pressure and lungs, regardless of its fiscal disadvantages. How to quit smoking? These are practical steps, but we need deeds not words: * Delay the usual time of smoking, e.g. if you are smoking every day at morning, try to delay it to the afternoon, then try again to delay it to the night. The desire of smoking will reduce gradually. * Try to avoid the places or attitudes that remind you with smoking. Most likely, you will be longing for smoking but you have to hold your horses. * learn new hobbies and sports to fill your time as a trial to distraction from smoking. In fact, they are more and more ways to quit smoking, but we want to notice that you have to put in your consideration the appropriate time and place, not to mention the praying and ask Allah to help you. If you do it, you will be obedient to Allah and held in respect from all people. Finally, we hope that all smokers quit smoking and choose to live the happy and healthy life both now and in the hereafter. May the grace and peace of Allah be with you |
06-03-2010, 06:53 PM | #13 |
ٲڛڦېۿ ۈڵۼێݛێ يِمَيڸ | يعطيج العافيه يالغاليه على هالمجهود وان شاء الله بحط موضوع لي عوده باذن الله |
يـآمـآ احسنت ضنـي بالعرب وانصدمت |
06-03-2010, 06:56 PM | #14 |
ٲڛڦېۿ ۈڵۼێݛێ يِمَيڸ | البكتيريا' كائنات حية دقيقة وهي تتجمع مع بعضها وتأخذ أشكالاً متعددة تدرس البكتريا في ما يدعى علم البكتيريا أو الباكتريولوجيا. بيئات البكتريا متنوعة جدا فهي قادرة على العيش في أي مسكن أو بيئة مناسبة على وجه الأرض حتى التربة والمياه تعتبر البكتريا أيضا مكونا طبيعيا من مكونات الجسم البشري للبكتريا أهمية صناعية حيث يستفاد من عملياتها البيولوجية لإجراء ما يصعب إجراءه صناعيا مثل معالجة المياه القذرة ومؤخرا إنتاج المضادات الحيوية وغيرها من الكيمياويات. 0000000000000000000000 Bacteria 'micro-organisms They gather together and take many different forms Studying bacteria in the so-called science bacteria or Allbecktriologgio. Very diverse environments, bacteria are able to live in any dwelling or a suitable environment on earth until the soil and water Bacteria are also a natural component of the components of the human body The bacteria used in industrial importance of their biological processes to make it difficult to be conducted, such as industrial wastewater treatment and more recently the production of antibiotics and other chemicals. |
يـآمـآ احسنت ضنـي بالعرب وانصدمت |
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المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
تجمع طالبات كليه التربيه " جامعه الكويت " | اموره الكويت | (همسات الجامعة والطلبه والطالبات) | 36 | 06-03-2014 08:31 PM |
تجمع طالبات وطلبه كليه الشريعه والدراسات الاسلاميه | اموره الكويت | (همسات الجامعة والطلبه والطالبات) | 16 | 06-03-2014 08:30 PM |
مذيعة بريطانية تدمع عينها عندما سمعت الأذان | جمال العتيبي | ( همســـــات الإسلامي ) | 14 | 30-07-2010 11:59 PM |
طفل يعرب كلمة فلسطين..اعرابا تدمع له العين. ؟؟ | أإع ـقل يـآخ ـفـوق●● | (همســــات قصص وروايات) | 7 | 21-07-2010 09:37 AM |
أم تهدد بخلع عباءتها في ساحة المدرسة | النازف | (همســـــات الحوادث والغرائب ) | 6 | 29-03-2010 08:04 AM |